Hey what's up? I'm Blue, the other cat. Not much happening at the moment, just chillin
I'm a pretty active cat, this is just a quick break time...sitting like this helps keep my muscles loosened up for the next chase with Uncle Red
We like to look out the windows and watch the animals outside, too.

If only we could get out there, we'd clean the place up...
We had a few heavy ice and snow storms this year...and it made some trees fall down by our window on the main level...
The first branch broke and it wasn't too bad...but when the second one came down a week later, it smashed the lilac bush where the birds like to hang out.
The birds still came, though, in fact, more than ever, feeding on the leftover crabapple pits on the broken branches. And the lilac is like a bird condo now.
Gary said he is going to go out and assess the damage and prune everything back as soon as the snow melts, though; I just hope he leaves a place for the birds to hang out. They're fun to watch...
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