
Sitting High

I finally found a place I can go to get away from Red

Nobody knows how I got up here and I'm not going to tell them. They might rearrange the furniture.


Home sweet home

Well, we spent yet another four days in the house alone, only seeing our sitters, Steve and Tommy, once a day each. We had to keep ourselves company, as well as keep each other warm. Now that Gary and Frankie are back home, they're trying to make up for the lost time...and someone keeps using that stupid camera to take more pictures...here he comes again!

Watch out, Blue, here comes the flash!!!
I have to protect my little nephew from the hazards of bright flashing lights.They hurt his eyes.


Look out

The sun is out and the animals are playing in the yard...

I can see them now with both eyes. I can even see myself in the window.

My eye is getting better by the day. Look, you can even see the third eyelid in the lower corner, but not over my whole eye. By the time the next post is written, I should look normal again. And the sun sure feels nice coming through the window.

The sun sure does feel nice, doesn't it Blue...I love to sit in its warmth...

Mind if I come up and join you, buddy? It looks like you need some company up there.


Getting better each day...

In case any of you were wondering, I've once again been given the run of the house...

Now I get to go to my favorite place for attention, the big bathroom upstairs...

As you can see, my left eye is still having problems, but it's getting better. I hope it clears up soon, since Gary puts medicine in it every 8 hours.

No meds here, just a comfortable body to stretch out on...



Things have been pretty quiet around here lately...

Because I had a ventral bulla osteotomy on Tuesday. They took out a polyp from behind my left ear. The doctor had to go through the bone behind my ear to get it. My head still hurts.

To top things off, Gary has me in this pen most of the day. He said it is so I won't rupture my incision, but it is getting pretty boring sitting in here all day.

At least it is the weekend now. Gary stayed home all day and night with us yesterday and is letting me out to walk around while he's here. He follows me around like I'm a shoplifter in his store at Christmastime, though. Every time I get ready to jump on something, he grabs me. I can't wait until they declare me "Recovered" so I can get on with just being a normal house cat...


Nervous in Iowa

Hello there. It's been a while since we got on this blog...not much to say, I guess. Today, however, there is something to talk about. I am going in the hospital tomorrow morning for another CT scan and probably have surgery. I'm pretty nervous about all of this, but I'm trying to be brave. I seem to be having problems with my left eye lid, and they think it is from a polyp in my ear canal. I just hope everything works out okay....I hate going to the hospital...

Don't worry, Blue, I'll be here praying to the Cat God for you. Everything will work out okay, I'm sure. Just hurry up and recover so we can play again. I'm getting tired of staying in this house all by myself.

I'll do my best, Red. I'm just a little nervous, thinking about those needles and knives and the knock-out potion they give me...actually, I'm scared!!

You'll be fine. Stop worrying and get over here and rub my belly!!


Birthday Parties

Red and Blue are both two years old now. Here is a video of their parties.


iPhone pics

Hey, what's that shiny thing you're holding, Frankie?

It looks like he got another gadget to play with. No wonder he doesn't play with us as much as Gary does. He has too many little toys to play with.

Yeah, but sometimes he lets us look at them and even touch them. That thing is making some weird noises...it sounds like music! Can I see it? I won't hurt it, I promise.

Whatever, Blue! What are you going to do with it? Make a call? Take my picture?

Maybe I will take your picture, but don't expect anything fancy, you are just another fat cat as far as I'm concerned, Red!

Yeah, and you are the center of the universe, Mr. Blue, the arrogant cat!

Enjoy these photos taken with Frankie's iPhone!


New Furniture

Gary is in the process of finishing this climbing tree he made for us...

It's a good place for us to check out everything around the living room and front of the house...

I like to sit on the top tier, since it is next to the bedroom. That way, I can keep an eye on things in two rooms at the same time...

Red, on the other hand, likes to move around the house, making sure everything is in order the way he likes it. There he goes, upstairs to check on the offices...

Better watch it, I've got my eye on you!!