
Playing in the basement

Whew! I finally made it down here. Gary and Frankie try to keep me and Red out of the basement, but sometimes we can sneak by them and run around down here.

Yes, we made it down here, but stay on your toes, Blue. Gary is walking around here with his camera again.

I know he is, but I'm not worried. As long as you keep looking cute, he'll keep trying to take more pictures, so he'll let us stay down here and explore. C'mon, Red, do something silly, so he'll take your picture.

Okay Blue, look out for my mighty pounce action!!

You'll never pounce on me as long as I'm up here on the ladder, Red. Let's see what you've got!

I've got more guts than you, little guy. Look, I'm sitting in the haunted bathroom all by myself. Bet you can't do this for more than a minute or two.

Oh yeah, look at me now, standing in here all by myself...

In fact, watch this, I'll even try out the magic looking glass. See, I'm looking, but nothing bad is happening. I'm still here. By the way, does my hair look okay?



It looks like it's getting pretty cold outside, but things are nice and warm in here...

Where did everyone go, though?

I don't know who else you are talking about, but I'm right here, Blue. What do you think we should do in this cozy house of ours?

Personally, I'm ready for a nap, one of my better tricks!

I'm getting a little sleepy myself. I think I need to rest, too.

Hey, why don't we sleep together? It's always more comfortable when you share with a friend. MMMMeow...


Grandma's Visit

I like to stay up here where I can see everything and everyone.

Two weeks ago, there was an extra person in the house to look after, Grandma Laanan. She was here for two weeks. I was sleeping when they got out the camera, so she only got a shot with Red in it.

Well, she seemed to like me better anyway, Blue. You move around too much for her to get close to you.


Fall colors

Hi there. It's been a long summer, and we have not been using this site much, since we have been pretty busy, keeping things in order around here.

Yeah, busy making sure you don't hog all of the attention!

At least we were able to keep Frankie company while he was under the weather...

Yeah, that was our good deed for the summer. Why don't you tell them what other kinds of things you have been up to, Red?

Do we really have to talk about that? I was thirsty, and the water just wasn't cutting it. Besides, I seem to remember you looking around in the cupboards yourself, Blue.

Well, you were thirsty, but I was looking for food...and I found it! I just hate this Lazy Susan thing. It makes it hard to get around in here.


High Fashion

It's been a while since these guys have felt like writing anything, so I decided to post some glamour shots of the boys to keep it fresh...

Red in the sun

Posing for the camera

Buddies napping...

Blue in Asia(n pottery)

Sleepy sniper


Brotherly love

Gary made this shelf for us up on the wall so we can look out the window; but, sometimes I like to just relax up here…

But that usually doesn’t last long…

Red always wants to get up here when I’m relaxing…

What do you want now? Can’t you see I’m already sitting up here? Go find someplace else to hang out!

Get over yourself, Blue…I’m outta here


April Showers

Well, we made it through 48 hours of torrential downpours with only a little water getting into the basement - Thank God. It could have been worse, according to Gary, and he seems to know everything. Look at me. Am I not the best looking cat you have seen?

HA! How about me? I'm the one with the wild looking spotted pattern!
Besides, I'm much more friendly than Big Ole Red

Well, we both have our good sides.
Now that it's spring, we are having fun scaring the animals running around in the back yard.

At least we are trying...pay attention, Red...they're getting away!

Man, I hate when he does that...he never can keep his concentration for very long...

What a goof!

I'm over you, Red!


Party time

Weekends are generally fun around the house, we get to play and hide in places we don't usually have access to during the week...

Whenever I get a chance, I like to get inside the pantry. Gary and Frankie have a hard time getting me out of here, so it's a game for me to stay in here as long as I can. Look at my eyes. It's hard to get a good photo because it's dark in here and they have to use a flash.

Blue joined in the fun this weekend, but when he saw the camera, he was outta there...

He decided that it would be more fun to ride around on Gary's shoulders, taking in the view from way up there...

For a while, he actually was the tallest one in the house; but, he can't keep his balance very well the way Gary moves around.

In the end, he had to settle for a knee since Gary's back was getting stiff, walking around hunched over!


Another Saturday at home...

Now, this is the life...sitting home on a Saturday morning, watching TV with Frankie...

Of course, nothing lasts long around here.

Gary's friend, Dale, came over to help him with some work in the yard and he brought two little humans with him. They call them girls. From what I can tell, girls are small people with long hair and high-pitched voices. These little humans played with me and Red all morning long. They were actually pretty fun to wrestle around with; they more than make up for their lack of size with their strength and persistence. Even though they are smaller, they had no trouble picking us up and carrying us around in their little arms. We are so used to Gary and Frankie's bigger arms holding us so delicately that it was quite an adventure having the girls handle us. They used all of their strength to transport us around; and, when we wanted to get out, we had to prove it to them.

Here is Amber holding onto me. She is the smallest of the little humans, like me...the smallest of the cats. We have a lot in common. We are both pretty smart, and we like to play rough. I rarely get this kind of action from Frankie and Gary!

Here's Tara holding Red. They go better together, since they are both older and mellower than Amber and me!

Here are the three of us, Tara, Frankie, Amber, and me. I have my back turned because I hate getting my picture taken. The flash hurts my eyes.

Here's Dale and Amber holding Red. He's trying to get away, though. Sometimes he doesn't like being held.

Here I am as the girls are putting their coats on. They have to go now. Me, too...I'm outta here.